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From Bonnieux
At the roundabout in Bonnieux, take the D3 direction Apt.
Drive 4,5 km. After the sign "Produits de la Ferme Athénosys" turn left = Chemin de Roquemaure
Go past the mailboxes and down the road that becomes "a real true path" of 1,4 km.
"The Color of the vines" is down.
GPS coordinates : Lieu dit Roquemaure Latitude 43°51'10.303
Longitude 5°20'01 3E
Attention : Don't follow Google Map indication
From Apt:
Take the direction of Bonnieux and at the roundabout at the top, take the D3 direction Bonnieux.
Drive 6,8 km and after the sign "Produits de la Ferme Athénosys", turn right = Chemin de Roquemaure.
Go past the mailboxes and down the road that becomes "a real true path" of 1,4 km.
"The Color of the vines" is down.
GPS coordinates : Lieu dit Roquemaur Latitude 43°51'10.303
Longitude 5°20'01 3E
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